be pacific

Tour in Guala through rural Cali

Tour in Guala through rural Cali

Cali is recognized nationally for its tremendous proximity to nature and its surrounding water sources. We will see and get to know part of the Los Farallones PNN, its great mountains and especially that Pance River that has always bathed Cali. We will visit characteristic attractions of the town of Pance and we will interact with its locals who will tell us about their history and the natural resources that they valuablely protect.

Price: $ 89 USD per person.
Tour duration: 1 day
Departure Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Departure Time: 8 AM
Minimum number of people: 5
Maximum number of people: 12


  • Specialized transport in Guala.
  • Lunch and Snack.
  • Local guide.
  • Flora/Fauna Interpretation
  • Health insurance
  • Souvenir


  • Activities not described in the plan.

Guide's Notes

  • Climate
    Always take into account the weather conditions on the dates of the tour. Likewise, be prepared for rain or extreme sun (always good hydration)
  • Footwear
    Proper hiking footwear, even if the hikes are short, this ensures an enjoyable experience and prevents unnecessary discomfort by providing adequate support
  • Medicine
    Remember to always carry the medications you take regularly. Report if you have allergies, important medical pathologies or any special conditions before starting the expedition. And during the expedition, report any discomfort or symptoms


Meeting Point: Barrio San Antonio – Bakery (corner)

We will leave the city in a typical Colombian transport at 8 in the morning called Guala, we will ascend the mountain for about 45 minutes. We will enjoy basic level hiking, that is, for people in conditions of basic physical activity, of approximately 30 minutes. We will see and we will be able to bathe in the Pance River. We will have talks with our hosts and local rangers who, through environmental interpretation, will show us the main species of flora and fauna and we will be able to enjoy a wonderful day with bird songs, swimming in the Pance River and typical local food. We emphasize bird watching even if you are not an expert on the subject, since Cali has more than 500 species, of high density and which leaves it in a very high place in the world ranking. Overall we will learn a little about the local farmer’s tradition, their way of life and how visitors can support these efforts.

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